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Chauthakhamba_India's poor pay Rs.9 bn in bribes for basic facilities
Sat, Jun 28 06:54 AM
New Delhi, June 28 (IANS)
India's poor paid nearly Rs.9 billion in bribes over only three months to avail basic public utility services, a new study said Saturday.
NGO Transparency International India (TII) found in its survey conducted between November 2007 and January 2008 that Rs.8.83 billion was paid as bribes by those living below the poverty line (BPL) to avail 11 types of services.
The survey found that the police department was the most corrupt, with two out of every five people seeking its help forced to pay bribes.
According to the survey conducted by the Centre for Media Studies and issued by TII, those involved in land records and registration services took the second spot in the list of bribe takers.
The ambitious National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) launched by the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government is also plagued by corruption, it said.
Even though the 'school education up to Class 12' was the least corrupt service, it was found that BPL households paid Rs.120 million in bribes to put their children to school.
'This kind of corruption that denies people their entitlement to basic and need based services, many of which may be 'free' by law, results in the poor finding themselves at the losing end of the corruption chain,' said TII chairman Admiral (retd.) R.H. Tahiliani.
'This increases disparity in income and deepens poverty,' he added.
For the poor who have no option but to go to government hospitals fo healthcare, the situation is disappointing.
'Almost four million BPL households had to bribe hospital staff to get services like getting admission in the hospital, getting a bed, diagnostic services and getting an OPD card,' the report said.
The total amount of bribe paid to the hospital staff by the poor in the last one year is estimated to be Rs.870 million.
Nearly one million households were denied hospital services simply because they either refused to pay bribes or could not afford to do so.
The study also revealed that 5.36 million BPL families had to pay bribe or use a contact to avail public distribution service (PDS) that is meant for them.
A majority pointed out that they bribed officials in order to get a ration card.
The survey further revealed that people have to bribe officials in order to get an electricity connection or to get faulty electricity meter rectified.
Dhaka media carries routine reports on Manekshaw death
Sat, Jun 28 01:22 AM
Dhaka, June 28 (IANS)
The Bangladesh media Friday carried wire service reports about the death of former Indian Army chief Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, but there were no commentaries or editorials on the man who scripted Bangladesh's liberation from Pakistan in 1971.
This was in sharp contrast to the rich tributes that were paid to Lt. Gen. Jagjit Singh Aurora, who commanded the ground offensive Dec 3-16 that culminated in the surrender of 93,000 Pakistani troops and the creation of Bangladesh. That was on the 25th anniversary of the liberation in 1996 and again when Aurora died May 3, 2005.
Manekshaw was India's army chief in 1971. The joint India-Bangladesh forces led by Lt. Gen. Aurora, then head of the Indian Army's Eastern Command, and Bangladesh's Col. M.A.G. Osmany carried out the military campaign.
The nitty gritty of the campaign had been planned by Maj. Gen. J.F.R. Jacob, chief of staff of the Eastern Command.
The low-key reaction to Manekshaw's death is not surprising because at the political level, Bangladesh has been generally wary of acknowledging the role the Indian armed forces played in its liberation. India lost over 4,000 soldiers in the process.
For Bangladesh, its heroes are the sector commanders who led the forces during the December campaign.
One of them, Ziaur Rahman, later went on to become the army chief and then the president.
Bangladesh's heads of state and governments have, however, at the diplomatic level, expressed appreciation of India's role in the creation of the nation.
The Chief of Bangladesh Army Gen. Moin U. Ahmed was in India earlier this year after which a 11-member delegation of former Indian Army soldiers who took part in the 1971 war visited Bangladesh.
Led by Jacob, they were well received by Ahmed and other top brass and by the public at several receptions held in their honour.
Iran tries man accused of spying for Israel: media Sat Jun 28
Iran tries man accused of spying for Israel: media Sat Jun 28
TEHRAN (Reuters) -
An Iranian man was put on trial on Saturday in Tehran on charges of spying for Israel, media reported. Iran's state radio said the man was accused of acting against Iran's "security through engaging in espionage for the Zionist regime" and had been paid by Israel's intelligence service Mossad. It did not name the accused.An official in Israel's foreign ministry said Israel was not familiar with the case.ISNA news agency reported that spying tools alleged to have been given to the man by Mossad were displayed in court.Iran's state broadcaster's website said the young man was put on trial in Tehran's Revolutionary Court, which deals with cases involving national security issues. It did not say whether he denied the charge.Iran, which does not recognize Israel, has previously reported breaking up spy networks. It has accused the United States and "Zionists" of trying to destabilize the Islamic Republic.Iranian officials accuse Washington of backing a so-called "soft revolution" that involves using intellectuals and others in the country to try to undermine the ruling system.Radio, citing the judge, said the verdict would be announced in a week.(Reporting by Hashem Kalantari, writing by Zahra Hosseinian; Editing by Elizabeth Piper)
Value-based Journalism
A Global Survey of the Perceptions of Newspaper Journalists
Dr. P.L. Joshi, Professor ,
University of Bahrain,
Box 32038, Bahrain
(Email: ; )
Fax: 00973 17 449776 or 00973 17 438603
(Please return this questionnaire either as an attachment or Fax it or send it by post . Anonymity and confidentiality of responses is assured. The survey is purely for academic purposes.
In case you do not wish to reply to any specific questions except QUESTION NO 1, please leave that question blank.
Objective of the survey : To examine the perceptions of newspaper journalists on the issue of value-based journalism in today’s globalization, i.e. which important values guide them in their reporting on news, views and analysis? The topic of the survey is very current and newsworthy.
1. The following are some of the universal values for journalism which may be expected to be followed in reporting of news, views, analysis etc. by the journalists. To what extent do you agree/disagree that these values are followed? ( Please enter either a score or tick in the appropriate column). Rating scale is :
Strongly agree (5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Strongly disagree (1)
Some Universal Values
Strongly disagree
1. Truth and Accuracy
2. Objectivity
3. Completeness
4. Aggressiveness
5. Fairness
6. Accountability
7. Avoiding violation of others privacy
8. Courage
9. Independence
10. Perseverance
11. Verification of facts
12. Loyalty
13. Inquisitiveness
14 Transparency
15. Compassion
16. Public interest
Any other ( pls. Specify …….
Any comments and suggestions in the above context :
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Do you think that cultural values and the legal system prevalent in your country influence your reporting on news and views ?
a). Yes □ b) No □ c) Undecided □
3. To what extent do you feel that sensationalizing of stories in the newspapers have become essential for survival and growth of journalism in the age of globalization?
a) To a very large extent □ b) To a large extent □ c) To some extent □
d) Undecided □ e) Not at all □
Any comments and suggestions in respect of (2) and (3) :
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Based on your experiences, how often do you use the following approaches to journalism. Please use the following rating scale: ( You can either tick the columns or enter a score ).
To a very large extent (5) To a large extent ( 4) Undecided (3)
To a least extent ( 2) Never (1)
To a large extent
To a lesser extent
1. Skill-based journalism
2. Evidence –based journalism
3. Investigating journalism
4. Value –based journalism
5. A combination of these
5. Please use a rating Scale: of Strongly agree ( 5) ………………Strongly disagree (1)
Strongly disagree
Do you think that it is difficult to follow a value-based journalism in the age of globalization?
Are there any barriers which hinder you in following a value-based journalism?
Yes □ No □
If yes, can you list any THREE such main barriers:?
1. ……………………………………………………………………….
General Information:
1. Name of the respondent (optional) …..
2. Gender: Male □
3. Country : …….. City……
4. Age (years) :
Less than 25 yrs
25-35 yrs
35-45 yrs
45 and more
5. Educational background : ( Pls. tick the appropriate column)
Others (Pls. specify…….
6. Present Position : ( Please tick the appropriate one)
Chief-Editor or Editor
Other editorial Staff
Reporter /journalist
Others ( pl. specify
7. Total experience in journalism :
Less than 5 year
5- 10 years
10-15 years
15 and more years
Would you be interested in receiving a summary of the findings of this study?
a) Yes □ b) No □
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