Welcome friends.
This blog is dedicated to all associated with media.
If you are a reader you have got a strong right to be here.
The content you get may not be according to your taste. You might be having a better idea, a better cause, a better point to mention, a better presentation skill and need a platform. You need to be here. You are welcome.
If you are a viewer you need to be here for putting in your voice and feelings for the benefit of all silent viewers who watch and forget to add a word... if it could have been like this it would have been better and served the purpose of creating awareness...
If you are a writer and wish to write for the people and issues which your publishers are not interested or anything under the SUN for the benefit of mankind and planet EARTH.
Now we have the option of making planet Mars a better place to live in. I am sure we can suggest ways for its proper and systematic planning and development. You need to be here and present your case.
Well if you are a publisher and feel to take the cause of global peace, progress and prosperity you need to be here.
The reason is very simple and the logic is also very simple.
Just close your eyes and imagine--how many people know good grammar but how many are good journalists.
How many guys know two plus two are four but how many are well placed in counting the ups and downs of lfe.
Are they in a position to extend their helping hand for the advancement of society.
If no you need to be here for the promotion of peace, progress, prosperity and equality.
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